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TOP tips for clipping your horse

 Nesvarbu, ar ruošiatės varžyboms, ar tiesiog norite, kad jūsų žirgas atrodytų kuo geriau, štai keletas geriausių patarimų, kaip užtikrinti, kad ...

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How to calm your horse

Nepageidaujamas arklių elgesys gali būti susijęs su mityba, jų priežiūra, aplinka ir veisimu/genetika. Šiam elgesiui valdyti galima naudoti maisto pap...

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Black Friday in Horsemarket stores!

Horsemarket's Big Black Friday Sale! Don't miss the biggest sale of the year!  29 November. BLACK FRIDAY in Vilnius and Klaipeda physical s...

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Klaipeda shop business hours are changing

From 12 November, the Klaipėda store will be open on a new schedule:Tuesday-Wednesday from 11:00 to 19:00; lunch break 13:00-14:00Saturdays: 10:00-15:...

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How to choose the right spurs

When you as a rider have reached the so-called 'spur maturity', you need to look out for the right spurs. When choosing the right spurs, your horse's ...

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Horsemarket Hallowyn Hunt

Spalio 28 - lapkričo 3 dienomis dalyvauk Horsemarket Helovyno medžioklėje ir rask savo nuolaidos kodą! Vaiduokliai su nuolaidos kodais slepiasi p...

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Fenwick's Liquid Titanium Therapy

Feel Better NaturallyWith Patented Technology, our ultimate goal is to enhance you and your animal’s quality of life with Fenwick's Liquid Titanium th...

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Sun Protection for Horses

Vasaros mėnesiais labai svarbu apsaugoti žirgą nuo saulės. Kaip ir žmonės, arkliai dėl UV spindulių gali nudegti saulėje ir turėti odos problemų. Apta...

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New Freejump stirrup leathers 4x6

Multiple possibilities of adiustments for optimal precision4 positions with the stirrup’s bar on the saddle / 6 precision adjustment holes with the s...

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Electrolytes and Muscle Function

Elektrolitai ir raumenų funkcija: Koks ryšys?Elektrolitai būtini normaliam raumenų susitraukimui ir atsipalaidavimui. Pasak ilgametės "Kentucky Equine...

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Soon you will be able to try out the Freejump airbag safety vest in our shops!COMFORT & CERTIFIED SAFETYThe AIRBAG FREEJUMP vest is the first airb...

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Start the summer fashionably with a wide range of styles. Go for vibrant pinks, beiges and blues, but fresh greens are also represented. You can combi...

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New Freejump riding helmet with increased temporal protection

Every year, emergency departments see a huge number of people with head injuries. Around a quarter of these injuries are due to sports or leisure acci...

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New Spring/Summer 2024

New Spring/Summer'24 collections are now available in "Everything For Horse & Rider" stores! Kingsland, LeMieux and Equiline's spring colour ...

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In anticipation of Easter

From March 25 to April 1, take part in the Horsemarket Easter egg hunt and find your Easter gift - a discount code! Easter eggs with discount codes ar...

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